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What to Do if There Is an Error During Payment - Knowledgebase - HarmonWeb


What to Do if There Is an Error During Payment Print

  • 7

At HarmonWeb, we make sure to keep your payment transactions safe. If you run into any issues while making a payment, here's some info to help you out:

Error Message: Insufficient funds, please check the balance

  • Possible Reasons: There might not be enough money in your payment method to complete the transaction.
  • How to Fix: Double-check if you have enough funds for this transaction or try using a different payment method.

Error Message: The payment window was closed, please try again

  • Possible Reasons: The payment pop-up window got closed.
  • How to Fix: Try to make the payment again. If the window doesn't load, switch to a different browser and internet connection. You might need to wait for an hour before trying again.

Error Messages: Payment authorization has failed, transaction was declined, or payment rejected due to security concerns

  • Possible Reasons: Various security concerns led to these errors.
  • How to Fix: Address the specific reason mentioned before trying again.

If you still face payment issues, you can try a different payment method or reach out to our Customer Success team for assistance.

If you've checked that there's enough money in your payment method and issues persist, contact your bank for further help

Additional Payment-Related Issues:

  1. The Invoice Is Still Unpaid After the Payment: If the amount was deducted from your original payment method but the invoice status still shows unpaid, it's likely the payment is still processing and needs more time.

  2. Double Charge: If you were charged twice for the same purchase, please get in touch with our Customer Success team, and we'll look into it for you.

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