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How to install WHMCS - Knowledgebase - HarmonWeb


How to install WHMCS Print

  • 32

Before you can make use of WHMCS, you need to have a WHMCS license. The license will be entered during the installation process. Without a license, you cannot make use of WHMCS.

Installing WHMCS

The easiest way to install WHMCS is using the app software installer Softaculous. The softaculous software can be found in your cPanel

Follow the steps below to install WHMCS

  • Log into your cPanel. You can log in by using the URL mydomain.com/cpanel. Please replace mydomain.com with your domain
  • Next, locate the Softaculous Apps Installer on the cPanel. This is located in the software section. You can also use the search bar to locate it.
  • When redirected to the softaculous portal, use the search bar on the left side to search for WHMCS and click on it.
  • Click on the install button to begin installation

Once the installation is complete, you will shown a successful confirmation page.

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